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sheer madness

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yo, so much love to all those at the release. it was wild.

but on to the new shit, Gnarls Biggie...this is an epic story that will soon be everywhere...spread the word...

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so last wednesday elsewhere and i were making some new remixes when we stumbled upon a dope mix of a Biggie Accapella with the instrumental for the Gnarls Barkley song "Crazy". It was so hot we said to each other, lets make a whole cd of biggie with Gnarls Barkley beats...we titled the idea "Gnarls Biggie" and we commenced to finish three songs. We then created a myspace page and did nto expect much. Two days and four-hundred hits later some fascist decided we had to be stopped and the page was taken down dude to copyright infringement.

The irony was unbelievable. How could someone have reported us? Do they not know the history of DJ Dangermouse and the Grey Album? This guy built his career on pirated material.

The rest of the story will come soon....

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