here's a great bunch of quotes from Hunter S. about the perilous times we're living in. He was the mind behind "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (the book which inspired the movie)an he killed himself last year (most likely to escape King George's regime and the fear-mongering which has characterized his term). He will be missed so savor the quotes.
Other than that, Sound Advice returns to
Supreme Trading on Saturday night.
Dig the flyer
cot damn...thats was a hell of a weekend...much love and respect to all those who came out friday and saturday...sleeping on brando's filthy floor in the bronx was worth every second of mayhem...
here's an epic photo...

thanks for the brownies joe and please chill christina...
in the news, sure
cheney shot somebody in the face but
here's what we should all be paying attention to...god bless
much love goes out to all those who came thru the sound advice party saturday night....shit was there again in two weeks...
here's some interesting stuff about
elections in our homeland...should piss you off if you have any sort of conscience...should at least make you think, if you do not...
saturday in the bronx, yours truly is doin a house party with my people at
FUcheck the flyer, below...

damm, y'all...peep the album layout...its gettin real good...only like another month til this thing is all over the place...get ready...
just did my first intertnet radio broadcast last night on
radio was fun...there should be an archive available for listening soon...not my best performance but it had its if you missed it stay tuned and i'll have a link to listen to it at soon....
impeachment is gaining momentum...get on the train and lets get rid of this cowboy....
oh and saturday night, yours truly with reverend mcfly will be at supreme trading so get there...and get crunk...
howdy folks.
hope you enjoyed the state of the union two nights ago. can't believe how many lies can be crammed into an hour. how about that democrats response thing too? since when did they do that? and why the hell did they choose the governor of virgina to speak? weird. anyways,
here's some analysis on the speech.
(pardon my rambling, but when is a president going to address
this epidemic...probably never but hopefully the military goes bankrupt soon and the problem will disappear.)
in music news, sound advice is performing at
Columbia tomorrow. should be funky. not sure if outsiders are welcome but why not come through if you're in the hood?
the mix is almost done too...a clip will be up on
our turf by this weekend so stay tuned...
new remix from yours truly available on up to morsy for comin thru suprem last weekend...
oh and i may be in the bronx on friday so stay tuned...