sound advice

back like crack...

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hey y'all-

sorry i've been absent for so long. some sort of bacteria had me down and out for two weeks. could hardly move.

anyways, lots has happened. i'll try to get through as much as i can...

-first of all, Three Six Mafia...if you saw the oscars, nuff said...

-next, the SHAC 7 were found guilty in Jersey today. If you haven't heard about them yet be sure to read up. There is a major media blackout about this. Tell everybody you can.

-Chomsky is saying what I've been thinking for a long time. It's time for disarmament.

-I also have been saying this for awhile...9/11 was a sham...hope i don't scare ya too much...but the truth will conquer...

-the sound advice tape has taken another step towards finality...i'd say we got like 25 days til copies are out...amazingly, you can pre-order here

-oh and this weekend, i'm back at mo pitkins with a healthy mix for ya...starts at 10:30...3 dollar miller draughts for ya...and four dollar well drinks/wine...not bad eh?

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